Gabby Giffords’ bat mitzvah was as joyous and tearful as you’d expect As former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords stood before the congregation of Temple Chaverim in Tucson, Ariz., and kissed her tallit, preparing to chant from the Torah for her bat mitzvah, Rabbi Stephanie Aaron placed her hand atop Giffords’ hand, her voice rising and […]
ALTERNATIVE BAR MITZVAH AND ALTERNATIVE BAT MITZVAH IDEAS From MyJewishLearning: Belonging to a synagogue and attending Hebrew school are not prerequisites for celebrating a bar or bat mitzvah. And we don’t just mean having a fun party. Here are some guidelines for planning a meaningful coming-of-age event with ritual and educational components for families […]
The Bat Mitzvah is one of the greatest and most memorable milestones in the life of a Jew. In fact, the process and culminating celebration can be a real turning point that inspires pride in Jewish identity and heritage and a lifelong passion for Jewish learning and practice. However, some believe this is being lost […]