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Tag: Jewish

The Divorced Parents’ Guide to Planning a Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Organizing a major life event can be stressful for any family — but for those going through a high conflict divorce, these tips can be a lifesaver. By Ezra Weinberg Published originally at Orchestrating a massive life event like a bar or bat mitzvah is hard enough for any family. It’s basically a crash […]


Why I Declined to Appear on Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City

Meredith Marks - Adult Bat Mitzvah on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City

As someone who has dedicated much of my rabbinic career to making Jewish lifecycle events meaningful and authentic, I was honored to be approached by the producers of Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. They asked if I would help Meredith Marks, one of the show’s stars, celebrate and reaffirm her Jewish faith […]

Blog News Uncategorized

Bat Mitzvah is the Theme for New Adam Sandler Movie on Netflix

‘You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah’ is an endearing Sandler family affair By Amy Spiro – Times of Israel This might be Adam Sandler’s most Jewish movie ever — and that’s saying something. From “Uncut Gems” to “The Meyerowitz Stories,” “Sandy Wexler” and “You Don’t Mess with the Zohan,” Sandler has long […]


ESPN’s Jeff Passan Recalls His Bar Mitzvah and Hebrew School

From (by Jacob Gurvis) For tuned-in baseball fans, Jeff Passan is everywhere. As ESPN’s senior MLB insider, he frequently breaks some of the sport’s biggest news and appears on several of the global sports network’s television, radio and podcast programs. After two decades of reporting, can anything make him nervous? There is one athlete […]


Autographed Baseball from a Bar Mitzvah Boy

I collect autographed baseballs signed by professional players, including many Hall of Famers, but I’ve always cherished the autographed balls signed by the little league players I’ve coached over the years. One of the baseballs I display in my office was inscribed by Adam, a bar mitzvah student of mine from 2021. Adam presented me […]


Adam Sandler’s Bar Mitzvah Movie on Netflix

I was disappointed to see that Adam Sandler is wearing a kippah (yarmulke) in his upcoming movie about a bat mitzvah and it’s not the kippah that I presented to him back in 2000 when he was on the set of the movie “Little Nicky.” The movie was being filmed on the street next to […]


Netflix Founder Marc Randolph Celebrates Adult Bar Mitzvah

It’s never too late to celebrate a bar mitzvah! Netflix founder Marc Randolph recently celebrated his bar mitzvah. The website COL LIVE reports that the Netflix founder and Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur Marc Randolph had been recording another episode for his business podcast “That Will Never Work” when he was invited to put on tefillin […]


Transgender Bar Mitzvah Ceremony – They Mitzvah Challenges Jewish Traditions

In HBO’s ‘And Just Like That’ finale, a ‘they mitzvah’ challenges Jewish traditions From JTA News By Philissa Cramer February 3, 2022 The previews for the season finale of “And Just Like That,” the “Sex and the City” reboot airing on HBO, suggested that viewers would get to see a “they mitzvah.” And for most […]


They Mitzvah – Sex & the City’s Reboot

They Mitzvah - Charlotte York - Sex and the City

In the final episodes of “And Just Like That” on HBO Max, Charlotte York-Goldenblatt (Kristin Davis) helped her nonbinary child, Rock, prepare for their traditional Jewish coming-of-age ceremony. Typically (traditionally?), bar and bat mitzvahs, in which 13-year-old boys and 12-year-old (often, also 13-year-old) girls are welcomed into adulthood and called up to the Torah for the […]


Rep. Gabby Giffords Becomes a Bat Mitzvah in Arizona Ceremony

Gabby Giffords’ bat mitzvah was as joyous and tearful as you’d expect As former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords stood before the congregation of Temple Chaverim in Tucson, Ariz., and kissed her tallit, preparing to chant from the Torah for her bat mitzvah, Rabbi Stephanie Aaron placed her hand atop Giffords’ hand, her voice rising and […]


Pew Report on Jewish Americans – May, 11, 2021

Here is the latest Pew Report on Jewish Americans in 2020, published by the Pew Research Center. I include this on the Mitzvah Rabbi website because many of the statistics and findings are telling when it comes to more Jewish American families choosing to celebrate their children’s bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah in alternative ways, […]


Zoom Mitzvahs – Virtual Bar Mitzvah and Virtual Bat Mitzvah Services

From the Jerusalem Post February 28, 2021 NEW YORK – When the Bregman family was planning their son Daniel’s bar mitzvah this past November, parents Eleanor and Peter found themselves with a lot more responsibilities –and ownership – over the process than they had with the two previous bat mitzvahs they had planned. Daniel’s bar mitzvah, which […]


80 Holocaust Survivors Celebrate Bar Mitzvah in Israel

From the Jerusalem Post: 80 Holocaust survivors recently celebrated their bar mitzvah at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, including several women who celebrated their bat mitzvah at the Western Wall in Jerusalem as well. “My two children don’t live in Israel and I lost my husband a long time ago,” said Bella. “This event was […]


What is a Bar Mitzvah?

Professor Jonathan Sarna of Brandeis University explains the history of the bar mitzvah ceremony It is a common scene on many a Saturday morning in cities and towns across the United States to see seventh- and eighth-grade boys and girls, a few not Jewish at all, gather in synagogues and temples to watch a classmate’s […]


Bar Mitzvah Ceremony Brings Hope for Future

  By Rabbi Jason Miller Originally published on The Huffington Post As a rabbi, I’ve officiated at more bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah ceremonies than I can remember. Throughout all of those beautiful coming of age ceremonies, I enjoyed watching the beaming faces of the proud parents, but I couldn’t yet relate to what they […]
