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Tag: Bar Mitzvahs

Mitzvah Project Mania

From eJewishPhilanthropy By Esther D. Kustanowitz New initiatives look to help Jewish teens connect to themselves and their community before becoming adults Gone are the days of donating a portion of your gift money to charity; groups across the U.S. want b’nai mitzvah projects to resonate. When Elie Klein was 13, he knew that giving […]


Bat Mitzvah is the Theme for New Adam Sandler Movie on Netflix

‘You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah’ is an endearing Sandler family affair By Amy Spiro – Times of Israel This might be Adam Sandler’s most Jewish movie ever — and that’s saying something. From “Uncut Gems” to “The Meyerowitz Stories,” “Sandy Wexler” and “You Don’t Mess with the Zohan,” Sandler has long […]


Representative Adam Schiff’s Bar Mitzvah

  “Here I am at 13, in all my ‘glory’ at my Bar Mitzvah. I’ll admit, it’s easy to chuckle at this photo – the classic 1970s bow tie, the braces, the yarmulke, the looks – but it is also an opportunity to tell you a little about how I approach my faith. Throughout my […]

Mitzvah Moments

Am I Really A Bat Mitzvah (An Original Essay)

*This is a wonderful original essay by a Jewish day school graduate who is now in high school. This essay won first prize in the Cohn-Haddow Center essay contest in 2022. Am I Really A Bat Mitzvah By Ellery Gnesin Tuesday, March 24th 2020 Standing there, in the middle of dancing at 8 o’clock in […]


Netflix Founder Marc Randolph Celebrates Adult Bar Mitzvah

It’s never too late to celebrate a bar mitzvah! Netflix founder Marc Randolph recently celebrated his bar mitzvah. The website COL LIVE reports that the Netflix founder and Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur Marc Randolph had been recording another episode for his business podcast “That Will Never Work” when he was invited to put on tefillin […]


Unaffiliated Jews Get Creative for Bar and Bat Mitzvahs

Here’s a great article from the Jewish Exponent about Unaffiliated Jews being creative with their children’s bar/bat mitzvah ceremonies: By Hilary Danailova There was no question that the Danskys of Livingston, New Jersey, were going to have their children Bar and Bat Mitzvahed. There was also no question of joining a synagogue to do so. […]


What It’s Like to Have a Virtual Bar Mitzvah

From (by Kara Baskin): Among other things, social distancing makes large gatherings like bar and bat mitzvahs pretty much impossible. So Sudbury’s Erica Silverman, a member of Temple Shir Tikva, started a Facebook group to help families in the same boat. Why did you launch this Facebook group? The Virtual Mitzvah Planning group was […]


Virtual Bar Mitzvahs During the COVID Pandemic

Throwing candy at the computer: What celebrating your bat mitzvah looks like in the time of the coronavirus From JTA – Midway through Lila Duke’s bat mitzvah ceremony, her family’s cat made an appearance. Minnie’s interruption was one of many ways that Lila’s coming-of-age ceremony was different from what she had expected. While the 12-year-old […]


What is a Bar Mitzvah?

Professor Jonathan Sarna of Brandeis University explains the history of the bar mitzvah ceremony It is a common scene on many a Saturday morning in cities and towns across the United States to see seventh- and eighth-grade boys and girls, a few not Jewish at all, gather in synagogues and temples to watch a classmate’s […]


Rabbi for Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah

  Rabbi Jason Miller is based in Metro Detroit, Michigan, but is available to officiate at mitzvahs all over the country. The bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah ceremonies he leads are all unique. Rabbi Jason uses only caring, experienced tutors who love working with Jewish teens to create meaningful and memorable bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah […]


Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah Gift Guide

  Tips for picking the right present for this Jewish rite of passage. Finding the right bar/bat mitzvah gift can be tricky. For starters, there’s the gravity of the occasion: a once-in-a-lifetime rite of passage. Add to that, the recipient is 13, an age when a person’s interests and tastes are in flux and when […]


Bar Mitzvah Ceremony Brings Hope for Future

  By Rabbi Jason Miller Originally published on The Huffington Post As a rabbi, I’ve officiated at more bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah ceremonies than I can remember. Throughout all of those beautiful coming of age ceremonies, I enjoyed watching the beaming faces of the proud parents, but I couldn’t yet relate to what they […]


Bar Mitzvah Prep in the 21st Century’s Tech Age

  Rabbi Jason Miller Originally posted in The Jewish Week NY In the Coen Brother’s movie “A Serious Man,” we see young Danny practicing his haftorah for his bar mitzvah by listening to the cantor’s rendition of it on his record player. That scene was undoubtedly sentimental for Jewish men of a certain age who […]
