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Tag: Bar Mitzvahs

Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah Gift Guide

  Tips for picking the right present for this Jewish rite of passage. Finding the right bar/bat mitzvah gift can be tricky. For starters, there’s the gravity of the occasion: a once-in-a-lifetime rite of passage. Add to that, the recipient is 13, an age when a person’s interests and tastes are in flux and when […]


Bar Mitzvah Ceremony Brings Hope for Future

  By Rabbi Jason Miller Originally published on The Huffington Post As a rabbi, I’ve officiated at more bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah ceremonies than I can remember. Throughout all of those beautiful coming of age ceremonies, I enjoyed watching the beaming faces of the proud parents, but I couldn’t yet relate to what they […]


Bar Mitzvah Prep in the 21st Century’s Tech Age

  Rabbi Jason Miller Originally posted in The Jewish Week NY In the Coen Brother’s movie “A Serious Man,” we see young Danny practicing his haftorah for his bar mitzvah by listening to the cantor’s rendition of it on his record player. That scene was undoubtedly sentimental for Jewish men of a certain age who […]
