Bar Mitzvah Project – Holocaust Remembrance Foundation
Many of my bat mitzvah and bar mitzvah students are looking for interesting mitzvah projects. Here’s an example that one of my bar mitzvah students is doing for his mitzvah project in partnership with the Holocaust Remembrance Foundation in Philadelphia. Similar Mitzvah Project opportunities exist in other cities as well.
Dear Friends and Family,
For my Mitzvah Project, I decided to participate in “Remember Us: The Holocaust B’nai Mitzvah Project.” I was given the name of a child who was lost in the Holocaust, before being called to the Torah. That child’s name is Rafael Shneider (the same as mine, just spelled differently). Rafael was born in Schodnica, Poland in 1930. His Father’s name was Avraham and his Mother’s name was Naomi. Rafael died in the Shoah in 1940. He was 10 years old. I have chosen to remember Rafael and honor his memory throughout my Bar Mitzvah experience. I think of him when I practice my Hebrew blessings. I will think of him and say his name during my Bar Mitzvah service. I will commit to remembering Rafael every year on Yom Hashoah (the day Jews everywhere remember the Holocaust) and I will light a yahrzeit candle for him. It is my responsibility to honor the life of Rafael and do a mitzvah in his name.
So, I decided to support The Philadelphia Holocaust Remembrance Foundation. The Foundation maintains and operates the Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza, which is home to the first public Holocaust Monument in the United States, right here in my city of Philadelphia. My parents and I had the pleasure of touring the plaza. It has several features that together create a place of learning and remembrance. This is so important, especially in the times we are living in with anti-semitism on the rise. We can’t let the past be forgotten. By learning from the past, we can build a better future for everybody. It is our responsibility. Just like it is my responsibility now to always remember Rafael. We need to continue to tell the stories for the millions who aren’t here and can’t. Please join me in supporting this important cause and donate to this special Foundation. I am attaching some information with a QR code to donate. You can also click on this link: https://www. support/donate/ Please check the box that your donation is in honor of my mitzvah project.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,