Talking About Israel with Our Children & Teens
Dear Parents,
As I write these words the situation in Israel seems to be getting even more concerning and disheartening. Several parents have asked me for advice on how to talk to children and teenagers about the current situation in Israel. The quick answer is that it is not easy to have these conversations, but it is imperative that we address the topic and support our children in their own understanding.
As always, I am available to answer any questions your children and teenagers may have about what is taking place in our Jewish homeland. Whether your child’s bar or bat mitzvah is coming up soon or took place many years ago, please know that I see myself as your children’s rabbi (and yours). I am here for them and for your entire family.
We must be optimistic and have faith. At every bar and bat mitzvah, I say the words “Am Yisrael Chai” — through it all, the Jewish people endure.
I hope that these resources will be helpful as you attempt to talk with your children and teens about Israel.
With blessings,
Rabbi Jason
Tags: Israel