Rabbi Jason Miller has over 25 years of experience as a bar mitzvah tutor. Bat Mitzvah and Bar Mitzvah Tutoring Lessons will help prepare your child for their big day. Rabbi Jason has trained over 200 students for their bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah. His experience working with Jewish children includes specialization with children with learning differences and special needs including ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and Dyslexia. Rabbi Jason tutors students of all backgrounds, regardless of their Hebrew literacy or Hebrew School experience.
Rabbi Jason, The Mitzvah Rabbi, offers a wide variety of services based on the individual needs of each student with whom he works. Each tutoring relationship begins with a Zoom virtual consultation, during which he decides the best methods of teaching the student. All questions will be answered during this consultation including frequency of tutoring sessions, length of tutoring sessions, scheduling, process and strategy, the bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah ceremony, and fees.
Rabbi Jason believes that each student is unique and therefore, each student’s bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah tutoring experience will be customized to meet their individual needs.
What is a Bar Mitzvah
Bar Mitzvah means that a Jewish boy has turned 13 years old and is now old enough to perform the mitzvot (Jewish laws) that a Jewish adult is supposed to follow throughout his life.
When a Jewish young man becomes a Bar Mitzvah, he often publicly reads a section from the Torah (the Five Books of Moses). The Bar Mitzvah boy often reads a portion from the Haftarah, which is a selection from the weekly section of the writings of the Prophets, such as Isaiah, Hosea, etc., or from historical books like Joshua, Samuel or Kings.
The Torah symbolizes the moment when God met the Jewish people at Sinai and made a covenant with them. This covenant with the Jewish people has lasted thousands of years and has been passed down from generation to generation. This demonstrates the passing of tradition from generation to generation.
The Bar Mitzvah ceremony is a symbolic way to usher a boy into the adult Jewish community and a way for the entire community to welcome the teen as a source for the continuance of the Jewish faith. Rabbi Jason likes to say that the bar mitzvah boy is a beacon of light who gives us hope in the future.
What is a Bat Mitzvah
Becoming a Bat Mitzvah is a milestone in a young Jewish girl’s life. Bat Mitzvah means that a Jewish girl has turned 12 years old and is now old enough to perform the mitzvot (Jewish laws) that a Jewish adult is supposed to follow throughout his life. Many Jewish girls celebrate their bat mitzvah any time following their 12th birthday but most wait until they turn 13 years old like their male counterparts.
When a Jewish young woman becomes a Bat Mitzvah, she often publicly reads a section from the Torah (the Five Books of Moses). The Bat Mitzvah girl often reads a portion from the Haftarah, which is a selection from the weekly section of the writings of the Prophets, such as Isaiah, Hosea, etc., or from historical books like Joshua, Samuel, or Kings.
The Torah symbolizes the moment when God met the Jewish people at Sinai and made a covenant with them. This covenant with the Jewish people has lasted thousands of years and has been passed down from generation to generation. This demonstrates the passing of tradition from generation to generation.
The Bat Mitzvah ceremony is a symbolic way to usher a Jewish girl into the adult Jewish community and a way for the entire community to welcome the teen as a source for the continuance of the Jewish faith. Rabbi Jason likes to say that the bat mitzvah girl is a beacon of light who gives us hope in the future.