Are you looking for a bar mitzvah officiant? Look no further. Rabbi Jason Miller is The Mitzvah Rabbi.
Rabbi Jason offers Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah lessons and training for students of all ages, backgrounds, and learning styles.
Rabbi Jason Miller has been a rabbi since 2004, when he was ordained from The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City. Based in Metro Detroit, Michigan and Boca Raton, Florida, Rabbi Jason works with students from all over the world to prepare them for their bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah service.
For more than 20 years, Rabbi Jason has supported many successful Bar and Bat Mitzvah students as they progress into Jewish adulthood. Your Jewish child will learn how to lead the Jewish prayers in Hebrew, chant the Torah portion, and deliver a beautiful D’var Torah (speech based on their Torah reading). Rabbi Jason also teaches Jewish history, Jewish culture, Jewish pride, and leadership skills.
Rabbi Jason will also help the bar mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah student with their Mitzvah Project (charitable service project in the community).
Rabbi Jason uses Zoom video conferencing to create an interactive, online learning process. Regardless of your child’s learning style, they will feel inspired and engaged in the bar or bat mitzvah learning process and will be guided to success with The Mitzvah Rabbi.
With more than two decades of working with Jewish students of varying learning styles and learning challenges, Rabbi Jason has extensive experience and success with special needs students who suffer from anxiety, ADHD, ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), OCD.
Additionally Rabbi Jason works with Jewish pre-teens and teens who are gender binary, gender fluid, or who may be in the process of determining their gender identity. There are various options for students interested in a gender neutral service like a b. mitzvah ceremony.
Rabbi Jason Miller is the Bar Mitzvah officiant you’ve been looking for. Whether it’s a bar mitzvah, bat mitzvah, b’nai mitzvah, b’not mitzvah, or a b. mitzvah, Rabbi Jason will make this important Jewish life cyle event meaningful and memorable for your Jewish teen and the entire family. Rabbi Jason will travel to anywhere in the world to celebrate with your family. Contact Rabbi Jason today to learn more.